When you want an inexpensive way to dramatically change a room; consider changing your paint color. Doing something as simple as changing a paint color not only will freshen up the room, but create a totally new mood in the room. When you decide to paint your walls a different color, you should also consider painting your trim and baseboards. The furniture and the window treatments did not change; only the wall color and the trim color changed. The room a few new touches by adding oversized mirror over the fireplace and a few new wall prints.

In the photograph above, you can see the previous paint color "Roasted Pepper" on the walls with bright white trim. Years ago almost everyone painted their trim a white color. Now trends have changed and trim is being painted much warmer colors. Even though most people paint their baseboard the same color as the other trim in the room, those clients that have hardwood floors should consider painting their baseboard a dark color. Not talking just two shades darker than the trim but really step out and go very dark, such as a chocolate brown. By painting the baseboard a dark color, it helps ground the floor. Remember, a chocolate brown baseboard can be used with any room color including red walls, blue walls, etc. Take a look and see the difference!
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