Which Internet service are you using? I have had DSL for years, I am one of those loyal customers, I admit it I don't like to change things that are working (I find changing Internet service to be a hassle). It has worked great for years. Last year I discovered you could purchase a
Network Extender and boost your cell phone reception, it worked great. My business is on the Lower Level so cell phone reception was an issue so I was on board. January 2010 I started receiving complaints that others could not hear me, so we started the investigation, they were right it was terrible. We called Verizon and asked if they had any idea of what the problem could be. "We have DSL". Verizon "let's check your speed"!
http://www.speedtest.net/ No wonder you can hear everyone and no one can hear you, your outgoing speed is to slow 3kb for outgoing it needs to be 1mb. We called AT&T, they checked the line, no problems, they checked the speed, no that is

all they promise. You are kidding right, "no" they are never faster. Now we are Comcast Internet users. Check out my new outgoing speed is 3.53 MB can you say huge difference. Before my incoming speed was 5 MB that was ok, now it is 20.64 MB another huge difference.
What a difference, had I been told Comcast was faster, of course, me being a loyal customer (and not wanting to unhook, rehook and change everything) stayed with AT&T even though they were not the best. I am still a loyal customer, LOL I am still using the AT&T telephone service, they offer a few things that Comcast does not so I need to stay. Check your speed on your Internet Service; make sure you are getting what you are paying for. I really do like change in many ways anything that can help my business I am all for it, I just truly did not realize that this change was really for the better, I thought ok speed was ok.
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